ECO-Find |
ECO-Find is not an auditing or accreditation body.
Prior to listing on ECO-Find, ECO-Buy requires suppliers of green products and services to provide evidence that they meet the relevant ECO-Find criteria. While all effort is made to verify claims made by suppliers, ultimately the claims are made by the supplier and not by ECO-Buy.
ECO-Find does not assess either environmental or non environmental attributes of listed products and services beyond those contained in the criteria. All statements made on a supplier's ECO-Find listing are made by the supplier and not by ECO-Buy.
Users should note that while products and services listed on ECO-Find meet ECO-Buy's environmental criteria at the time of listing, standards and technology continually change. While ECO-Buy has a program of updating its criteria over time and requires ECO-Find suppliers to keep their listings up to date, no responsibility is taken for listings that do not currently meet ECO-Buy's criteria or out of date.
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Copyright 2006 ECO-Buy | Design & Technology by Reading Room