To find green products and suppliers from all around Australia, go to the ECO-Find database.
You can search by keyword or product category, and also by location.
When you search by product category, information and advice is displayed about the key environmental issues and the purchasing and operational approaches to consider, including tips on how to avoid or minimise environmental impacts and links to relevant websites.
ECO-Find is not an auditing or accreditation body.
All statements made by suppliers on ECO-Find are made by the supplier and not by ECO-Buy.
ECO-Buy requires suppliers to provide evidence that their product/ service meets the relevant ECO-Find criteria. While every effort is made to verify claims made by suppliers, ultimately the claims are made by the supplier and not by ECO-Buy.
ECO-Find does not assess either environmental or non environmental attributes of listed products and services beyond those contained in the criteria. All statements made on a supplier’s ECO-Find listing are made by the supplier and not by ECO-Buy.
Users should note that products and services listed on ECO-Find meet environmental criteria at the time of listing and that standards and technology change over time. While ECO-Buy has a program of updating its criteria over time and requires ECO-Find suppliers to keep their listings up to date, no responsibility is taken for listings that do not currently meet ECO-Buy’s criteria or out of date.