Supplying genuine green products is a journey that many companies start, some complete, and many give up on along the way.
ECO-Buy understands the steps along this journey and how to help you make progress.
Having reviewed the green credentials of thousands of products in recent years, ECO-Buy is in an excellent position to advise on:
· Whether your product is green and what it would take to make it green
· How green your products are compared to your competitors
· How you can verify your green credentials
· What claims you can and can’t make about your product
· How best to market your green product
· How to be a green company
· Next steps – green product to sustainable product.
We can also help you promote your existing green products through ECO-Find.
Once you are an ECO-Find Supplier, ECO-Buy can develop a case study about your products which will help illustrate their environmental benefits in practice. Our experience shows that case studies are a great way for government and business to gain confidence about environmentally preferable products, making them more likely to buy.
If you would like to know more about these services, or would like to dicuss any other possibilities, please contact our Research Manager on 03 9349 0403 or email.